☁️ computing

Hardware , system design and system engineering = 1 PC

1 data center = 20 PC

Cloud = 10 data centers = 200 PCs


Why use cloud ?

Heavy / Big data analytics(web traffic) or computation Storage/data warehouse Maintenance or monitoring Security Integration with containers Scaling applications automatically Better networks

Ex : AWS , Azure , GCP , Digitalocean , IBM

Tips for optimal cloud : Use multiple cloud providers Virtualize interrupts and IO Use VMs Billing based on performance cycles SLA ~ SRS(SDE) Licensing (bulk or pay per use)

Jboss/glassfish = jsp servers(application server) Tomcat = http server(appn server) Nginx , Jetty (web server) SOAP = XML based protocol Cloudsim = simulation of cloud VMware , Xen , Virtual box = Hypervisors Hadoop = big data SWT(wrapper) , Swing + applet [GUI] Hibernate ORM Mail.api Java Spring+struts Jsp + servlets Xampp/wamp/Mamp (Linux local server)

Cloud networking concepts : 1) Traffic and congestion 2) nw virtualization 3) Routing 4) SDN 5) data center networks and physical infrastructure