Interview prep

Master aptitude , system scaling/design and coding problems.

Aptitude : 1) Number system (LCM,HCF,divisibilty , primality , cyclicity , age, logarithms , series/progressions[AP , GP , HP], time , exponents and algebra) 2) Fraction problems (train , pipe-cistern , time-speed-dist , work-wage , percentage , ratio and proportion) 3) SI , CI , Statistics , probability , profit-loss , permutation and combination 4) Trigonometry and mensuration 5) Geometry 6) Logical puzzles 7) Grammar (English)

Basic array . String = char array Algorithm= way to solve problem

Data structure = data arrangement strategy

Static = fixed size Dynamic = size at runtime (This is preferred cuz we can't predict how much size is required, not flexible)

Linear and non linear ( memory allocation) Dynamic mem in C (Linkedlist) Static implementation is Array

Practice dynamic implementation of all these below

Linear = stack , queue , matrix , string , set , array Map = dictionary , hashtable Non- linear = trees , graph

Master C++/Java and then start solving leetcode selective problems.

C : Files, pointers , bit operations , preprocessor directives , error/exception handling , I/O , header files , basics , command line arguments , programs/problems[pattern printing / op finding etc][common to all][modular programs] , keywords , operator precedence , expression evaluation , macros

OOPS have some common features.

C++ : Basics , oops , exceptions , STL and templates , Files , namespaces , preprocessor , Multithreading , interrupts , abstract class , pointers , cout , cin , endl , memory mgmt , Bit manipulation , functional programming , design pattern.

Java : 1) OOPS in Java 2) Packages 3) IO streams and files 4) Language basics 5) Strings 6) Static 7) Exception handling 8) Multithreading 9) JDBC 10) Collections 11) Design patterns 12) Servlets 13) Socket programming, RPC ,RMI 14) Regex 15) I18N , L10N 16) Reflection API 17) Memory mgmt 18) Garbage collection , JVM tuning 19) Selenium 20) Spring + Springboot + Hibernate 21) Getter , Setter 22) File handling 23) Lambda expression 24) Serialization 25) Java alternatives : Camel , Gradle , Groovy , Clojure , Scala , Kotlin 26) JasperReports 27) Factory method 28) Bitsets

Python :

Basics , OOPS , operators , data structures , decision making , loops , functions , files , error handling , modules , data science


DDL+DML+TCL , SQL , Nested queries , Views , index , savepoints , control structures , functions , procedures , triggers

Data structures : Array , Stack , Queue , Tree , map , set , hashtable , graph

ATS and GDPR rules means even rejection mail won't be sent properly..

System design nah it's the pyramid of UI , Hardware , component and data. Scope , assume , draw architecture and identify key issues.

If OOPS is in company tech stack, OOD round is expected.